
Worldwide Import Shipping

When you are importing goods from the other side of the world you need expert help and advice.
BMW Shipping provides both practical help and straightforward advice to ensure your goods arrive at the right place at the right time.
Our experienced team are used to importing anything from cars to roof tiles from anywhere in the world. They will ensure your cargo arrives into the United Kingdom on the fastest, but most cost-effective route. Everything from correct packaging to mode of transport will be taken care of from our Southampton office at BMW Shipping - so you do not have to.
And once it arrives on our shores, we will also arrange the customs clearance and even organise onward road haulage if necessary.
At BMW Shipping we pride ourselves in providing an import service that is second to none. Your cargo's progress can be tracked by talking to a member of our friendly team – not a faceless piece of software. And we even offer a complete "door-to-door" package from collecting your goods from the manufacturer to delivery at your depot or office headquarters. That is why so many businesses turn to BMW Shipping when importing goods into the United Kingdom.
Whatever mode of transport you choose to import your goods - by sea, by air or road or rail network, we will ensure your goods will arrive into the UK on time and in perfect condition.
We will handle all the red tape, paperwork and customs clearance needed for importing goods into the UK.

UK Tariff Changes announced from 1st January 2021, how will this affect you, don't leave it to the last minute, refer to the government website or ask us for more information.
BMW Shipping's worldwide Import service gives you peace of mind - so that you can get on with the important things, like running your business.
Call us: +44 (0) 23 8022 3472
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